Any here at Bethel that can confirm his JW status? I have to think the Public Information Office telephone in Brooklyn is ringing with inquiring minds...
anyone hear about the ca abductor having a jw link via his wife?
i heard something from geraldo rivera on tv this morning.
his wife is/was associated.
Any here at Bethel that can confirm his JW status? I have to think the Public Information Office telephone in Brooklyn is ringing with inquiring minds...
could it be that the proximity of 2014 is at the heart of it?.
i have no contact with jw's - except on this board - but my wife does at times with her family.
imminent is the cry of the sky for the jw's it seems.. i recall the years leading up to 1975 with a lot of that sort of thing.
From my DC: "Armageddon is not around the's on the block and it coming straight ahead!"
This was repeated several times along with the stock prices of certain U.S. corporations and references to how the world needs a "spiritual stimulus package" -- which is what the new brochure provides.
during the concluding part on sunday's dc at the stanley theater, a missionary was interviewed and asked to give an encouraging experience from his assignment in an african country.. he started off by saying his "experience was bitter-sweet".
it was about a woman in her mid-20's that became a witness.
but she was a muslim and her mother had her hunted down and murdered as an honor-killing.
Personally, I think the missionary went off-script and made a point about apostasy. He could have just said that she was killed for changing her religion. Perhaps he isn't fully on-board.
during the concluding part on sunday's dc at the stanley theater, a missionary was interviewed and asked to give an encouraging experience from his assignment in an african country.. he started off by saying his "experience was bitter-sweet".
it was about a woman in her mid-20's that became a witness.
but she was a muslim and her mother had her hunted down and murdered as an honor-killing.
During the concluding part on Sunday's DC at the Stanley Theater, a missionary was interviewed and asked to give an encouraging experience from his assignment in an African country.
He started off by saying his "experience was bitter-sweet". It was about a woman in her mid-20's that became a witness. But she was a muslim and her mother had her hunted down and murdered as an honor-killing. Why? Because, as the missionary stated, "she converted to Christianity and they [Muslims] view that as apostasy."
He then tried to connect that horrific story to the story of another unrelated man that was muslim and eventually got baptized. I found it quite unusual and wondered if this brother went off-script by mentioning this murdered sister.
Especially in light of:
“We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization…”
“Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent…” – Watchtower, November 15, 1952
the "package" for americans to attend the paris convention this year was $2600 per person including airfare ($2000 w/o airfare).
the optional dinner vouchers were an additional $160 per person.
all this for 5 days.
The "package" for Americans to attend the Paris convention this year was $2600 per person including airfare ($2000 w/o airfare). The optional dinner vouchers were an additional $160 per person. All this for 5 days. There were 3500 Americans at the convention. This works out to a minimum of $7,000,000 for just the Americans at this 1 convention.
Does the Society get a cut of this from the tour companies?
i am looking for any references regarding the existence or (even better) the non-existence of a first century council / governing body in old watchtower publications.
it would most likely center on acts 14 and 15.. many of us have heard the fred franz recording about how there was no such body in the first century.
anybody have any pre-1970's quotes on this subject?.
I am looking for any references regarding the existence or (even better) the non-existence of a First Century Council / Governing Body in old Watchtower publications. It would most likely center on Acts 14 and 15.
Many of us have heard the Fred Franz recording about how there was no such body in the First Century. Anybody have any pre-1970's quotes on this subject?
70 years of captivity?.
i myself have always believed that when archaeology disagreed with the bible the bible must be right.
that is how i dismissed the idea that jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 bce.
Would you mind posting a scanned copy of the branch's letter (edited to remove your name, of course)? I have seen (very recently) other letters from the branch that try to hide the issue and threaten the individual on the chronology issue. Perhaps they are changing some tactics. PM me if you wish.
this came up a few weeks ago; does anyone know if v is ok?
his youtube page shows his last log-in at 1 month ago.
anybody have any news?.
This came up a few weeks ago; does anyone know if V is ok? His YouTube page shows his last log-in at 1 month ago. Anybody have any news?
i've always hated story #53: "jepthah's promise".
i always felt sorry for the daughter who had to spend the rest of her days at the tabernacle because her father made a numb-nuts promise to god.
who did he think he was, making promises for other people?
I have noticed this account used more often lately in the Watchtower, as a positive example of how we should live up to our vow of dedication. Either way, this is twisted. Whether she was killed or not, it is fairly clear that the Bible does not present this situation as something positive or desirable.
hi guys and gals,.
i am a hypocryte.
brought up in the "truth" but know its not.
Welcome, and thank you for sharing!